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Terrifying Mobile Games

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terrifying games

Today we are looking at some of the best Halloween mobile games. So prepare for a scare and play these if you dare!!!!!

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Tormentum: Dark Sorrow

You are stuck in an evil, hell inspired fortress with only your cunning to save you. This is an awesome puzzle game that has one of the creepiest settings of any iOS or Android game. Horrific creatures stand in your way and you will need to figure out how to stop them. This is one very creepy and disturbing game which makes it perfect for Halloween!


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Indigo Lake

Indigo Lake is set in a small and nice town in the middle of nowhere. Which of course means that it is creepy as hell. Something evil and disturbing has happened here and it is up to you to solve the mystery and make sure you survive. This is a great horror game. It has very good graphics and mixes first person shooting, action and even some cool driving sections as well. Oh and there is some awesome jump scares!


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The Walking Dead Season 1 & 2

We had to put both of these games here as once you have finished the first season, you will want to jump straight into the second. These are two of the best horror games out there. They are at their core, point and click adventure games. But they are so well written than you care deeply about the characters and will do anything to make sure they survive. The game makes you make some horrible choices, choices that will stay with you long after you finish the game.


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Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers

A huge hit on PC back in the day Gabriel Knight is back on mobile devices in this fantastic remastered version of Sins Of The Fathers. You play Gabriel Knight as he tries to solve the mystery surrounding some awful voodoo inspired murder. The game is a lot of fun and will certainly test your gaming skills, but it is the story that is the real star here.



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